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Table 2 Criteria used to compare matched items during the attribute comparison

From: Exploring the feasibility of ex-post harmonisation of religiosity items from the European Social Survey and the European Values Study

Question attributes

 Reference period

Time frame for which respondents are asked to report attitudes, behaviours or feelings

 Reference period (detailed)

Specific frame for which respondents are asked to report attitudes, behaviours, or feelings (e.g. in the last 12 months, in your main job)

 Balance of the request

Whether or not the question is formulated using both poles of the request

 Part of battery

Whether or not the item belongs to a battery of questions (i.e. a set of statements measured using the same answer options)

 Contingent on filter question

Whether or not the item is asked to a subset of respondents based on responses to one or more questions

Interviewer role


Whether or not the item contains clarifications, either within the question stem or as an instruction for the interviewer


Whether or not the item includes specific instructions and, if so, for whom

Response attributes


Type of response

 Number of categories

Total number of categories, excluding non-substantive responses (i.e., refusals, don’t know)


Range of plausible values


The text linked to each response option

 Label order

Ordering or direction of verbal labels


Whether the scale is bipolar or unipolar

 Neutral category

Whether or not there is a neutral midpoint


Whether or not the number of categories in bipolar scales is the same in both poles



What showcard, if any, accompanies the survey question

 Response layout

Layout of the showcard’s content

  1. Criteria adapted from the Survey Quality Predictor (SQP) (Saris & Gallhofer, 2014)