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Table 4 Attendance at religious services items

From: Exploring the feasibility of ex-post harmonisation of religiosity items from the European Social Survey and the European Values Study




Question #



Question stem

Apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend religious services nowadays?

Apart from weddings, funerals and christenings, about how often do you attend religious services these days?

Response options

1–Every day

2–More than once a week

3–Once a week

4–At least once a month

5–Only on special holy days

6–Less often


1–More than once a week

2–Once a week

3–Once a month

4–Only on specific holy days

5–Once a year

6–Less often

7–Never, practically never

Target variable

Reverse coded


1–Less often

 (Categories #5 and #6 from the EVS were combined)

2–Only on special holy days

3–Once a month

4–Once a week

5–More than once a week

 (Categories #1 and #2 from the ESS were combined)

  1. 94% overlapping score. Slight differences in label qualifiers